Category Archives: Madison Children’s Museum

3rd Annual SummerPalooza Held on June 13, 2015


The 3rd annual SummerPalooza event was held around the Capitol Square on Saturday, June 13.  SummerPalooza was created during our club’s Centennial year as a celebration to kickoff the summer season, getting all kinds of people and families to look forward to this annual event.

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Photo 1: Dave Johnson (left) and Tim Stadelman carrying the Rotary banner in the parade; Photo 2: John Bonsett-Veal and Deb Gilpin 

We had over 25 Rotarians volunteer during the day, and a parade was held around the Capitol Square at noon.  Our thanks to Deb Gilpin and Bryan Chan for coordinating the planning for this year’s event and to John Bonsett-Veal for serving as photographer and videographer.

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Photo 1: Bryan Chan with his son; Photo 2: Stan Kitson (second from left) with Museum staff; Photo 3: Floyd Rose

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Photo 1: Dick Lovell; Photo 2: Monique Scher and Karen Kendrick-Hands; Photo 3: Steve Goldberg, Oscar Mireles, Pat Jenkins and Tim Stadelman

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Photo 1: Highlight from parade; Photo 2: Paul Riehemann (right); Photo 3: Kris Ashe (right)

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Photo 1: Ted Waldbillig (left); Photo 2: Angela & Jeff Bartell; Photo 3: Oscar Mireles (left)