Category Archives: National Trails Day

Hikers Take to the Trails at Pheasant Branch Conservancy on June 6, 2015

–submitted by Dawn Crim; photos by Rob Stroud

On Saturday June 6 over 20 Rotarians and guests enjoyed an invigorating 3-mile hike through the beautiful Pheasant Branch Conservancy in Middleton. Once again, we fortuitously scheduled our hike on a perfectly gorgeous summer day. We were doubly rewarded to discover that we’d unknowingly selected National Trails Day for this outing, as mid-way through the hike the gracious Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy loaded us up with snacks and water.


Other highlights included a stop at the ancient and fascinating Frederick Springs and a sighting of a Sand Hill Crane.

Though several in our group are frequent visitors to the Pheasant Branch Conservancy, many others were delighted to discover this natural gem in our community for the first time. The Conservancy gained quite a few new friends on Saturday!