The Family of Rotary

There is something about the ideals of Rotary and “Service Above Self” that makes me smile.  I can’t count the number of times that our Downtown Rotary luncheon was the highlight of my Wednesday.  I enjoy the world class speakers, the fellowship, camaraderie and the singing (yes, even the singing).  As the holiday season is quickly approaching, I’m think about spending time with friends and family.  The holiday season reminds me of good food and sharing a few laughs.  For so many of us, we’ve chosen to make Rotary a part of our extended family.  We eat together; share laughs together, and sometimes express sadness and grief together.  For some of us, our luncheon serves as the only time we get to visit with extended family.  Some of our parents have passed on and some of our children live miles, states and even continents away.  Let’s take the time, this year, to make this a very special holiday season.  Introduce yourself to someone new this week.  Make a new friend in the Club or in the community.  Who knows, one day, that new friend could become a part of your extended family.

Yours In Service,
Wes Sparkman, Club President

6 responses to “The Family of Rotary

  1. Thank you Wes, for the thoughtful Thanksgiving greeting, as well as the regular weekly sharing you have been doing. I’ve missed the last couple of weeks of Rotary and look forward to returning next week. I, too, will be giving thanks for the many blessings that have come my way.
    Nancy Young

  2. Wes,

    What a terrific message–I’m thankful to have you leading us this year. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful message, Wes. The work, service and friendships we experience through Rotary are a true blessing. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Wes–what a nice message for Rotarians and non-Rotarians. Thanks for sending it out with the hope of touching many.

  5. Hi Wes – What a delightful and fulfilling message. Let’s all try to do something special for someone who may not have the extended family you mentioned over the Thanksgiving holiday. It may be the highlight of thier holiday!

  6. Very nice message Wes. Thank you! Enjoy the Holidays and thanks for all you do for Rotary.
    Larry Z

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